Allow me to begin this review by stating, simply, that Resident Evil 6 ruulz. Now let me explain my perspective:
Long-term, I'm a big fan of the series, and have played to completion almost all the games released with the name Resident Evil slapped on them.
But there have been crappy RE titles released in the past, so let me clarify: I'm a big fan of the canon titles in the series--the ones that have a lot of work put into them. RE 1-6, basically.
Short-term, I'm barely thru RE6--so I've got some lots of gameplay area to discover. Being at the level I am, having barely scratched the surface of what this title offers, I have much to discover. And I'm a pretty big REDouche, so chances are I'm gonna think whatever they throw at me is gonna be cool, but there's a chance, albeit a small one, that I'll dislike something.
Okay, you know what I don't like about the series? The sexiness, and the voice acting. Though, the later gets better with time. The characters' hair is too long, for one thing. Leon's hair hangs over one of his eyes, in wonderful Bieber fashion--perfect for fighting hordes of zombies; great for the vision, and not just the peripheral.
So let's dig in first to this trend I'm seeing where the game's designer, Capcom, took a couple of cues from three big Bethesda games: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas (hereon referred to as the Fallouts) and Skyrim.
In-game, there's a lot to do--a cue they took from Skyrim and the Fallouts.
You know how Skyrim has so much to do you can never possibly do it all in one gameplay session, and even to do that much can take ... well, for me, a student dad, years? They kind of started a gameplay trend. The Fallouts are almost the same way, but Skyrim takes it way overboard. In a good way.
So I like how RE6 is packed full of gameplay and features and junk. I think it's a boon.
Also--you know how the control schemes are similar between the Fallouts and Skyrim? Well, they've set a trend there, too, because the controls are pretty much the same in RE6. There are some differences I won't delve into, but it's a great way to set up the controls for a 3D third- or first-person shooter.
So I also think this is a good thing--they're using what works.
The game does not lose character or face from these design decisions. I think it all works just fine.
The pretty characters don't help market the game to people who care about pretty characters, though. I mean, boys play it, right? Boys who play RE games like fucking brutality.
I do know a couple girl gamers who play RE games, but I'm sure they wouldn't have minded if Leon lost a bunch of that dumb haircut, and if the women, ESPECIALLY ADA WONG WHO IS APPARENTLY NOT ASIAN ANYMORE CAUSE THAT'S NOT HOT ENOUGH TO MARKET THE GAME TO A WORLD-WIDE AUDIENCE, YOU SHITS AT THE CAPCOM FACIAL DESIGN DEPARTMENT, pulled their fucking hair back and didn't wear sexy dresses to as to combine ruthless murder of humanoid figures with sex.
I argue that, if RE6 would not have pandered to these aesthetic lowest-common-denominator public demands for sexiness, which has proven to sell, then the game would have sold just as many copies.
Just beat it on Amateur mode, playing Leon. Derrick was a real jerk. I want new Mercenary mode stages! Let's see what they give me.
...waiting thru the credits... ...oh! you're welcome for playing. ... capcom... R with circle around it... nice. More movies. Well, I guess the game just keeps on delivering. Bye now.
Long-term, I'm a big fan of the series, and have played to completion almost all the games released with the name Resident Evil slapped on them.
But there have been crappy RE titles released in the past, so let me clarify: I'm a big fan of the canon titles in the series--the ones that have a lot of work put into them. RE 1-6, basically.
Short-term, I'm barely thru RE6--so I've got some lots of gameplay area to discover. Being at the level I am, having barely scratched the surface of what this title offers, I have much to discover. And I'm a pretty big REDouche, so chances are I'm gonna think whatever they throw at me is gonna be cool, but there's a chance, albeit a small one, that I'll dislike something.
Okay, you know what I don't like about the series? The sexiness, and the voice acting. Though, the later gets better with time. The characters' hair is too long, for one thing. Leon's hair hangs over one of his eyes, in wonderful Bieber fashion--perfect for fighting hordes of zombies; great for the vision, and not just the peripheral.
So let's dig in first to this trend I'm seeing where the game's designer, Capcom, took a couple of cues from three big Bethesda games: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas (hereon referred to as the Fallouts) and Skyrim.
In-game, there's a lot to do--a cue they took from Skyrim and the Fallouts.
You know how Skyrim has so much to do you can never possibly do it all in one gameplay session, and even to do that much can take ... well, for me, a student dad, years? They kind of started a gameplay trend. The Fallouts are almost the same way, but Skyrim takes it way overboard. In a good way.
So I like how RE6 is packed full of gameplay and features and junk. I think it's a boon.
Also--you know how the control schemes are similar between the Fallouts and Skyrim? Well, they've set a trend there, too, because the controls are pretty much the same in RE6. There are some differences I won't delve into, but it's a great way to set up the controls for a 3D third- or first-person shooter.
So I also think this is a good thing--they're using what works.
The game does not lose character or face from these design decisions. I think it all works just fine.
The pretty characters don't help market the game to people who care about pretty characters, though. I mean, boys play it, right? Boys who play RE games like fucking brutality.
I do know a couple girl gamers who play RE games, but I'm sure they wouldn't have minded if Leon lost a bunch of that dumb haircut, and if the women, ESPECIALLY ADA WONG WHO IS APPARENTLY NOT ASIAN ANYMORE CAUSE THAT'S NOT HOT ENOUGH TO MARKET THE GAME TO A WORLD-WIDE AUDIENCE, YOU SHITS AT THE CAPCOM FACIAL DESIGN DEPARTMENT, pulled their fucking hair back and didn't wear sexy dresses to as to combine ruthless murder of humanoid figures with sex.
I argue that, if RE6 would not have pandered to these aesthetic lowest-common-denominator public demands for sexiness, which has proven to sell, then the game would have sold just as many copies.
Just beat it on Amateur mode, playing Leon. Derrick was a real jerk. I want new Mercenary mode stages! Let's see what they give me.
...waiting thru the credits... ...oh! you're welcome for playing. ... capcom... R with circle around it... nice. More movies. Well, I guess the game just keeps on delivering. Bye now.
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