Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Stones of Barenziah

Alright, I joined the Thieves Guild, but only because I had five of those "Unusual Gem"s in my inventory, and I wanted to get rid of them.

Now I find that they're "Stones of Barenziah" or whatever, and that there's 25 of them, and I CAN'T TAKE THEM OUT OF MY INVENTORY UNTIL I FIND ALL 25.

And anyway, I decided to see what being a thief is really about. I figure, I've never technically beaten the game cause I haven't seen the civil war out to its completion with either of my ongoing characters, but I defeated Alduin at the shores of ... the afterlife place, and in doing so saved the souls of everyone in the afterlife.

So I figure I'm good. I can do some thievery and get my rocks off a little.

Of course, I can't just concentrate on one quest in Skyrim. There's always something shiny shiny waiting around the corner to distract you. So in doing my first quest as member of the Thieves Guild--travelling to this beehivery, setting fire to three hives, and raiding some treasure chest, all while evading (and basically destroying with my badass magik) lotsa guards, to send a message to the Beehiveryer that he better pay up--I've found Faldar's Tooth.

I figured I'd just discover the location and leave, but no--there were asshole bandits about. And I don't know if it's my high level (39--is that high?) or what, but these guys are challenging, and carrying great loot! So now I'm fucking trying to clear this place out and having a bitch of a time, but after I sell all these elven and orcish arrows I'll be like 10 septims richer.

I did find a bunch of ore, though. Taking the light armor path of the Smithing skill, so my next thing is making glass armor. My smithing is lv66, the attribute unlocks at 70. It's difficult building smithing levels at this high level, as you run through materials quick without as much progress. I think. Right? I've gotta play more, bye.

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