Thursday, August 25, 2011

New(ish) Yo Gabba Gabba on Netflix instant!

Need I say more?

I don't really care about being behind on the Gabba Gabba. They're like, making season 4 right now. I only know that season 2 was recently added to Netflix instant. Until today (and I know--I've been vicariously watching it every day), only ssn1 was available. Lucy has been watching a rotating loop of ssn 1 for a long time--since she discovered it and we all fell in love with it.

And fucking episode 1 of ssn2 featured... Amy Sedaris. Holy crap awesome. I had my back turned, and Lucy was watching it, and it's an episode about teeth, and they had the tooth fairy come on, and I heard Jerry Blank! I turned my head, and there she was--as the tooth fairy. Very, very cool. I found myself actually watching and, like, hanging on every word. They really knocked it out of the park with ssn2ep1. The animations were totally sweet, the songs were all good, and DJ Lance Rock's new costumes and his more-honed-than-on-ssn1 acting ability made it very enjoyable for me. I'm totally looking forward to more.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

and ON to the END of twenty-FOUR we go

On season 8, and it's like, 10 a.m. now. GEEzus this show is long!

This episode brought in both Michael Madsen and D.B. Sweeney. Two B-movie stars in one episode equals one A-grade huzzah! President Taylor and Ethan are seeming to split ways. He says, "I'm not abandoning you. *pause* I'm following my conscience."

Oh and Mrs. Hassan is taking over as president and her hands can't stop shaking. She's one of the most beautiful actors this show has ever seen. The HOTTEST by far was the redhead milf Jack was dating at the beginning of season 5. Yowza!

My woman and I got sidetracked from this shit show which we're both fucking around online on our laptops to because we finally got around to getting The Walking Dead, that's right, The Walking fucking Dead, through the Netflix Snail Mail you Pay Like Too Much For, and let me tell you, that show has been treating me riiiiiiight.

So bloody. So ruthless. Right before the dvd menu screen comes up, said woman says, "I wonder if they're gonna have zombie kids in this show." Menu comes up. Zombie kid!

But they don't stop there. They go even further. The very first scene entails the sheriff dude shooting said zombie kid in the forehead, and they don't pull away! You see the bullet enter! Hardcore violence! Zombie kids!

It's like, right away, they're telling you this show is going to be hardcore. They set the tone of the whole thing right then and there. It's a shame they don't follow it so well into the third and fourth episodes, which both contain more character development than zombie madness, but the show still has me drooling for more.

Oh, hardcore moment of the century: the end of episode 4, the SPOILER ALERT zombie invasion of the camp right at the end of the episode, that kills a bunch of people at camp, many of them presumably extras which we haven't--

Oh, Jack Bauer said "nucular" again! Drink!

--met yet, and presumably don't care about. But there was a scene in the middle which spoiled it for me. The too-long shot of the older sister crying over her dying younger sister. I mean, yeah it's sad, but I got the idea after the first ten seconds. Over dramatizing the ... stuff.

Maybe I'm over reacting. But it seems like there will consistently be moments of forced drama (now I sound like an asshole) lightly peppered in with the rest of the awesome zombie hunting extravaganza.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I don't feel like talking about real life, so ... (Greek & 24, ssn 7)

My significant special lady of interest girlfriend has taken like a fish to water to this show called Greek, an ABC Family original from 2007. There are four seasons.

The writing is good. The acting is good. The actors don't overplay their roles, and the characters aren't cut and dry good and bad. As my significant lady of interest girlfriend has said, "Shades of gray." It's important to have characters avoid caricature.

I sat down with a beerski while Megan was watching and I started to question the fact that two guys playing beer pong at a party means everybody stops and watches and cheers and such. But then I realized that questioning these parts of the show is a) useless and b) doesn't make the show any worse. Like, my pointing that out doesn't call the show out on anything. It is what it is, and it does it unflinchingly, and that's honorable.

Even though it is about sororities and fraternities. It seems like the creators wanted to challenge themselves by taking a group of people who aren't that interesting in real life and making a show about them work. Definitely going for a Gilmore Girls thing, too. Dramedy to the max.

My biggest problem with the show is that all the characters are sniveling little rich kids that don't deserve anything they have, but ... .

(sudden startling Jack Bauer voice) Shifting gears here.
My sudden special lady of lasting interest girlfriend and I are on season seven of 24. It is taking fucking forever to get through this show, but there's one reason we're sticking it out: IT KICKS ASS.

24 is a ride through some intensity! And always done respectfully, leaving no room for humor because the subject matter is so serious. There is always a body count. Every episode someone dies or gets shot. Pretty much. Hell, there are terrorist attacks on the country in every season.

Some shows lose it after the first couple seasons. You know, they get less interesting. But not this show, man. They've really gone through some severe changes, but have kept it right on track, and kept some awesome recurring characters that I always end up rooting for. Aaron Pierce. Tony Almeida. Jack Bauer. Bill Buchanan.

Janeane Garofalo really works well on the show. I also recently saw her on Greek. I liked her there too. Jon Voight, too.

I am still higly interested mostway into season 7. And I'm gonna be sad there's no more of it when I'm done watching season 8.

But now that buttshit Netflix is changing their pricing scheme to make you pay more for streaming is just a bastard of a move, and it's impetus for my special girlfriend lady interestingly enough to jet stream threouw the rest of 24 and then just do single dvds at a time, so's we can watch The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad season 3... o I drool.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Eddie Murphy and his Mercedes Benz-having characters are so relevant

I was watching this movie called Daddy Day Care. It's got Eddie Murphy and that awesome chick who played Wayne Palmer's sister in 24.

These characters begin arguing about who gets to drive the Mercedes Benz.

Megan sees what I'm watching, and says, "Wow, I really don't care about characters who argue about who gets to drive the Mercedes Benz." I hear what she says and it sinks in. Suddenly I don't care either.

So mom takes the car out after dad follows her out to the driveway telling her to drive careful and put the most expensive gas available in the car and other such rich people drivel. Then dad and son go inside the house after dad worriedly watches mom speed hurriedly away.

They're sitting at the table. Mind you, this son is something like 5 or 6 years old. Dad goes, "You potty trained?"

Like you wouldn't know whether or not your kid's potty trained by the time they're 5 or 6.

Daddy Day Care gets a zero star rating.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Nova: The Science of Babys is right tripping me out

The drool in almost every shot provides comic relief during a really, really trippy show.

Awesome. A scientific look at childhood development. The findings are astounding.

I love you Netflix instant streaming.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

24. Ssn 7, Prequel - Redemption

It's both resembling Resident Evil 5 and The Wire.

I love soon-to-be president Taylor arguing with soon-to-be ex-president Daniels about what to do about the coup in South Africa, whether U.S. involvement should be avoided because of a lack of resources and general value, or whether genocide should be averted. Sounds like a day in my Foreign Relations class.

Robert Carlyle is the shiznit. The man can sell a character.

Sutherland looks good with a beard. And wearing brown. He's always in dull tones. Earthen, now.

Everything is like a brick in the face, ESPECIALLY the tear jerker moments, like when he's hugging Willy before setting off to leave forever.

And of course he's gotta come back and help. I'm gonna stop typing and watch it now.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Kristen Schaal‬‏

YouTube - ‪Matt Clicks With... Kristen Schaal

Kristen Schaal is pretty and funny and just the right amount of quirky!‬‏ She was spectacular on Flight of the Concords, and I love her advertisement for something... on some other tv show. Her eyes were filled with lightning bolts.

I can't think right now. My baby has been crying all morning.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tremors 3: Back to Perfection sweet quotes

"I do not dwell on that which I have no control."
"Great. Now I have to do all the dwelling."

"It'll be sunrise soon."
"In 37 minutes, 32 seconds."

"Ooh. You know, Burt, I think he has a thing for you."
"If I could reach my Grizzly 50 caliber I'd have a thing for him."

"Wait Burt! Try this. I saw it on a repeat of MacGuyver."

"We should name them. Ok. Blastoffers. Buttlaunchers, that's good, huh? Oh, Assblasters!"
"Sounds like a porno theme to me."

"Don't worry, this perimeter's completely Graboid proof."
"But it is Assblaster proof?"

"Burt, what happens if this thing eats your food?"
" ... Assblaster blitzkrieg."

"What kind of supreme being would condone such irony?"

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm about as sure as I'm going to be before this bomb goes off

The jokes are fleeting. The tension is high.
My woman thinks Kiefer Sutherland looks good in sweaters.
"All agents sound off!"
Chloe O'Brian is the coolest. There is a 24 Wiki page that has all her quotes. Some people are real dorks, like the people who make 24 Wiki pages.

Netflix instant has 24 as of now. There's a lot of it. I'm on ssn 6 or 5. Can't remember. There's bombs and a bad guy named Fayed.