Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Norm Macdonald was a Comedy Titan

 By using his intelligence more than charisma, by not giving a fuck about money or fame, and by continuing to be a scathing, yet well-rounded and genuinely, naturally giggle-inducing comic, Norm Macdonald, after losing his 10-year-long, privately-held boxing match with cancer by technical knock-out,  leaves us with a comedy presence that looms large. And he leaves me with tears in my eyes and a sadness in my heart. 

All of a sudden, I'm reading in random places on the internet, "RIP Norm Macdonald," and I've been more and more gut-wrenched about it since. I decided to compile some thoughts and a few of my fave Norm moments here on my old-ass, dinosaur-format, TV-focused, blog. I know. A blog post, right? This is what you can expect from Glenn Smith, eternal student of Norm Macdonald, the fucking hack (as I hold back sniffles). Miss you, buddy. -- A.V. Club provides a great retrospective of his career here.