Wednesday, February 24, 2016

#watchthis: Pound House

Doug Lussenhop, I believe, was the editor for Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!, and Pound House is Doug's post-all-that-show, featuring Tim in some eps, but not Eric.

Doug gets to be the straight man, while co-star Brent Weinbach, portraying a genius duality of character, steals the show. The co-stars are all awesome.

The show stays true to itself and follows a solid theme throughout—if I were to give an elevator pitch for Pound House, it would be that it feels like Tim and Eric, less spastic, mixed with David Lynch, starring comedy insiders, with great editing, great acting, and featuring at least three memorable, new characters (Doug, Brent, and the rapper/stick guy)—while breakout episodes like "Skate" take it in unexpected, even uplifting directions.

"You just got sprayed."

Pound House 14, "Balls," just came out three days ago. Haven't even watched it yet. There it is, right there. Boom. Eat it.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Whitewashing (HBO)