Ulysses. He's the courier for The Courier to look up to. The Courier's elder.
Okay, here's what I know about him so far--he knows everything, he knows me, he sees through me, he wants to kill me, he doesn't want to kill me, he'll let the world kill me, and everything he says has to do with walking and roads and history, and he sounds like he's a chain-smoking death metal vocalist who's permanently pissed.
This pussy stays hidden and talks through an eyebot, which he despises.
When I find him I'm gonna punch him. |
Oh, by the way--I'm finally playing Lonesome Road, the fourth and final DLC Bethesda launched for the title. This is the third time I've been to The Divide. The first time, my save file had gotten too large--the whole game beaten, plus the first three DLCs beaten and fully explored.
On Hardcore Mode. It was awesome.
The first time I ventured into The Divide ...