Thursday, August 25, 2011

New(ish) Yo Gabba Gabba on Netflix instant!

Need I say more?

I don't really care about being behind on the Gabba Gabba. They're like, making season 4 right now. I only know that season 2 was recently added to Netflix instant. Until today (and I know--I've been vicariously watching it every day), only ssn1 was available. Lucy has been watching a rotating loop of ssn 1 for a long time--since she discovered it and we all fell in love with it.

And fucking episode 1 of ssn2 featured... Amy Sedaris. Holy crap awesome. I had my back turned, and Lucy was watching it, and it's an episode about teeth, and they had the tooth fairy come on, and I heard Jerry Blank! I turned my head, and there she was--as the tooth fairy. Very, very cool. I found myself actually watching and, like, hanging on every word. They really knocked it out of the park with ssn2ep1. The animations were totally sweet, the songs were all good, and DJ Lance Rock's new costumes and his more-honed-than-on-ssn1 acting ability made it very enjoyable for me. I'm totally looking forward to more.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

and ON to the END of twenty-FOUR we go

On season 8, and it's like, 10 a.m. now. GEEzus this show is long!

This episode brought in both Michael Madsen and D.B. Sweeney. Two B-movie stars in one episode equals one A-grade huzzah! President Taylor and Ethan are seeming to split ways. He says, "I'm not abandoning you. *pause* I'm following my conscience."

Oh and Mrs. Hassan is taking over as president and her hands can't stop shaking. She's one of the most beautiful actors this show has ever seen. The HOTTEST by far was the redhead milf Jack was dating at the beginning of season 5. Yowza!

My woman and I got sidetracked from this shit show which we're both fucking around online on our laptops to because we finally got around to getting The Walking Dead, that's right, The Walking fucking Dead, through the Netflix Snail Mail you Pay Like Too Much For, and let me tell you, that show has been treating me riiiiiiight.

So bloody. So ruthless. Right before the dvd menu screen comes up, said woman says, "I wonder if they're gonna have zombie kids in this show." Menu comes up. Zombie kid!

But they don't stop there. They go even further. The very first scene entails the sheriff dude shooting said zombie kid in the forehead, and they don't pull away! You see the bullet enter! Hardcore violence! Zombie kids!

It's like, right away, they're telling you this show is going to be hardcore. They set the tone of the whole thing right then and there. It's a shame they don't follow it so well into the third and fourth episodes, which both contain more character development than zombie madness, but the show still has me drooling for more.

Oh, hardcore moment of the century: the end of episode 4, the SPOILER ALERT zombie invasion of the camp right at the end of the episode, that kills a bunch of people at camp, many of them presumably extras which we haven't--

Oh, Jack Bauer said "nucular" again! Drink!

--met yet, and presumably don't care about. But there was a scene in the middle which spoiled it for me. The too-long shot of the older sister crying over her dying younger sister. I mean, yeah it's sad, but I got the idea after the first ten seconds. Over dramatizing the ... stuff.

Maybe I'm over reacting. But it seems like there will consistently be moments of forced drama (now I sound like an asshole) lightly peppered in with the rest of the awesome zombie hunting extravaganza.
